
Macro fuse

macro_rules! fuse {
    ($($command:expr),+ $(,)?) => { ... };
Expand description

Combine several commands into a single new command.

The new command preserves the order of its component commands. Upon display, it emits as many ANSI escape sequence as it has component commands. Upon debug, it reveals the macro’s source arguments.

Since commands in the cmd module generally implement Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, and Eq, fused commands do so, too. However, since DynLink and DynSetWindowTitle have string-valued fields and hence cannot implement Copy, these two commands cannot be fused.

When fusing only SGR commands, prefer fuse_sgr!, which generates commands that emit a single ANSI escape sequence only.


let move_down_right_twice = fuse!(MoveDown::<2>, MoveRight::<2>);
assert_eq!(format!("{}", move_down_right_twice), "\x1b[2B\x1b[2D");