Color Conversions


Converting colors between color spaces is not guaranteed to result in colors that are within the target color space’s gamut. For example, p3(0, 1, 0) (to use prettypretty’s function syntax for colors) is well outside of sRGB’s gamut. Like Color.js, prettypretty does not automatically clip or gamut-map colors and instead preserves their out-of-gamut coordinates. Hence a primary green in P3 converts to srgb(-0.5116, 1.0183, -0.31067), with G slightly out of gamut and R and B very much out of gamut.

In other words, if you need in-gamut colors, you must explicitly clip or gamut-map colors.

For starters, we consider only color formats and spaces that are not terminal-specific.

With exception of the XYZ color space, all other color formats and spaces have a base color space, which may be XYZ. Taking together, they form a tree with XYZ as root. For every such color format or space, prettypretty also includes handwritten functions that convert from and to the base color space. For example, sRGB has linear sRGB as its base color space and srgb_to_linear_srgb() converts to the base whereas linear_srgb_to_srgb() converts from the base. Since the base tree connects all color formats and spaces with each other and each base edge can be traversed in both directions, all color formats and spaces can also be converted into each other, simply by repeatedly performing primitive conversions.

We can automatically determine the shotest sequence of such conversion functions using Djikstra’s shortest path algorithm. Alas, the base relationship does not form an arbitrary graph but a tree rooted in XYZ. Hence, we can do better.

In particular, we can trivially precompute the distance of each color format or space from the root XYZ and store both base pointer and root distance in a table. Using that table, our optimized version elaborates the paths from the source and target formats or spaces towards the root. First, it syncs up both paths by elaborating the path with nodes further from the root until both paths’ last nodes are equidistant from the root. Second, it elaborates both paths in lockstep until their last nodes are the same.

Since we are moving inwards along the branches of a tree, we are guaranteed to converge, i.e., at the root of the tree. However, since we are also moving inwards while maintaining the same distance from the root, we are guaranteed to converge on the shared node furthest from the root and hence the shortest path between the source and target.

The converter() function implements just that algorithm to determine the necessary sequence of to/from base conversions but packages that sequence in a closure for easier application. Furthermore, since the number of color formats and spaces is relatively small, i.e., currently 8 and unlikely to grow beyond 12, converter does one better and caches each closure upon creation. That way, very conversion needs to be synthesized only once.

The following table summarizes the handwritten conversion functions:

▼ From/To ►



lin. sRGB


lin. P3









Linear sRGB





Linear P3












Low-Resolution Formats

The basic approach to integrating the three terminal-specific color formats, ansi, eight_bit, and rgb6, is the same as for the other color formats and spaces: For each terminal-specific color format, we write a pair of functions that convert to and from higher-resolution color. By putting those functions first and/or last in the sequence of conversions and otherwise routing as described above, we can convert between all color formats and spaces, terminal-specific formats included.

In practice, however, there are several complications:

  1. The 16 extended ANSI colors have no widely accepted mapping to high-resolution colors and usually are configured through themes. Colors are usually specified in #<hexdigits> notation, i.e., RGB256.

  2. Xterm’s formulae for converting the 6x6x6 RGB cube and 24-step gray gradient to RGB256 are widely accepted. But there are no established techniques for converting back.

  3. Prettypretty’s color themes are a form of state duplication, with all attendant problems. Notably, if a manually configured theme does not match the terminal’s current theme, the results of color manipulation may just look awful.

  4. ANSI escape sequences support querying the terminal for currently configured colors. But the results are in xterm’s rgb: notation with four hexadecimal digits per coordinate, which is well beyond RGB256’s resolution.

Prettypretty indeed addresses the fundamental conversion challenge for the 16 extended ANSI colors by supporting color themes, with each color having an arbitrary color format or space. Since manual color theme configuration is problematic, it also supports dynamically querying terminals for configured colors and preserves the resolution of the responses as sRGB colors.

To convert low-resolution to high-resolution colors, prettypretty currently targets sRGB as the “base” color space for all low-resolution colors. For the 6x6x6 RGB cube and 24-step gray gradient, it simply uses the established formulae to convert to RGB256 and then performs the trivial conversion to sRGB. For the 16 extended ANSI colors, it looks up the target color in the current color theme and, if it is not RGB256 or sRGB, does a high-resolution conversion to sRGB. Since high-resolution conversion does not clip or gamut-map colors, this conversion does preserve the represented color. The result should probably be cached, but it currently is not.

For converting high-resolution to low-resolution colors, there is not established algorithm. Since the low-resolution colors, by definition, do not comprise that many colors, exhaustive search becomes a realistic possibility and is just the technique used by prettypretty. In particular, prettypretty compares the high-resolution source color with high-resolution versions of all low-resolution colors (thus assuming that the conversion from low-resolution to high-resolution is functional) and returns the color with the smallest distance. All comparisons are performed in Oklab, which is perceptually uniform.

To speed up conversion to low-resolution color, prettypretty uses look-up tables for the Oklab-equivalent colors. Those tables are initialized lazily, on demand. When targeting 8-bit color, prettypretty does not include the 16 extended ANSI colors as candidates because experiments with color gradients resulted in low-resolution gradients disrupted by one of those 16 colors, which just happened to be closer.

The exhaustive search for closest matching low-resolution color may still produce suboptimal results because it optimizes for Euclidian distance in Oklab. In other words, it treats a difference in lightness just as it treats the same difference in one of the two color axes. That may indeed be the right approach for small color differences but it’s not clear that is the right approach at the granularity of 8-bit colors.