Accommodating All Colors

To reap the benefits of 2020s color science for 1970s terminal colors, we need to be able to translate between terminal and high-resolution colors at will, in both directions. THere are three reasons why doing just that is difficult:

  1. Whereas all high-resolution colors fit into a uniform model of coordinates tagged by their color spaces, different kinds of terminal colors have different representations from each other and from high-resolution colors. In other words, there is little uniformity amongst terminal colors.
  2. Some of the differences between terminal colors are not just differences of representation but rather radically different conceptualizations of color. In particular, ANSI colors have no intrinsic color values. On top of that, the default colors are also context-sensitive and hence of limited use.
  3. There are huge differences in the number of available colors: 16 ANSI colors versus 256 indexed colors versus 16 million true colors. Curiously, the bigger difference when it comes to translating colors is not the one from 16 million down to 256 colors but the one from 256 down to 16 colors.

Despite these substantial differences, many terminal color representations can at least be partially and losslessly converted into a few other color representations. For example, with exception of the ANSI colors, 8-bit colors, as represented by EmbeddedRgb and GrayGradient, have well-defined formulas for converting to index values, i.e., u8, as well as to 24-bit RGB colors, i.e., Rgb. The latter, also called “true” colors, are easily convertible to high-resolution Color. Meanwhile, AnsiColor, Color, EmbeddedRgb, GrayGradient, and Rgb are all trivially convertible to Colorant. But that’s also Colorant’s very purpose as unifying wrapper type. Prettypretty accommodates these conversions with From<T> and TryFrom<T> traits in Rust and static methods in Python. Alas, those can’t help translate default and ANSI colors.

Translation Is Necessarily Stateful

Since the default and ANSI colors are abstract, translation to high-resolution colors necessarily requires some form of lookup table, i.e., a color theme. Prettypretty relies on the same abstraction to store that table as well as the derived state for translating high-resolution colors to terminal colors again:

  • Translator provides the logic and state for translating between terminal and high-resolution colors.

There is ample precedent for the use of color themes to provide concrete values for abstract colors. In fact, most terminal emulators feature robust support for the plethora of such themes readily available on the web. However, asking users to configure theme colors after they already configured their terminals decidedly is the wrong approach. Luckily, ANSI escape codes include sequences for querying a terminal for its current theme colors, making it possible to automatically and transparently adjust to the runtime environment.

The Fall From High-Resolution

Theme colors turn the translation of terminal to high-resolution colors into a simple lookup. The level of difficulty when translating in the other direction, from high-resolution to terminal colors, very much depends on the target colors:

24-Bit Colors

In the best case, when the source color is in-gamut for sRGB and the target are 24-bit “true” colors, a loss of numeric resolution is the only concern. It probably is imperceptible as well. However, if the source color is out of sRGB gamut, even when still targeting 24-bit colors and, like Translator, using gamut-mapping, the difference between source and target colors may become clearly noticeable. It only becomes more obvious when targeting 8-bit or ANSI colors.

8-Bit Colors

While accuracy necessarily suffers when targeting less than 24-bit colors, translation to 8-bit colors actually isn’t particularly difficult. The reasons are twofold: First, there few enough colors that brute force search for the closest matching color becomes practical. Second, there are many enough colors that brute force search is bound to find a reasonable match. Critically, the embedded 6x6x6 RGB cube provides variations that go well beyond the primary and secondary colors.

Since the brute force search compares colors for their distance, two convenient color spaces for conducting that comparison are Oklab and Oklrab. The trick for achieving consistently good results, especially when translating more than one color, is to omit the ANSI colors from the set of candidate colors. Color themes are not designed for regular placement within any color spaces. So ANSI colors are bound to stick out amongst the more homogeneous embedded RGB and gray gradient colors. Besides, they only make up 1/16 of all 8-bit colors and hence don’t add much compared to other 8-bit colors.

ANSI Colors

Omitting ANSI colors is, of course, not feasible when targeting ANSI colors. Still, brute force search over the ANSI colors works well enough most of the time. But because there are so few candidates, the closest matching color may just violate basic human expectations about what is a match, e.g., that warm tones remain warm, cold tones remain cold, light tones remain light, dark tones remain dark, and last but not least color remains color. Translator::to_closest_ansi’s documentation provides an example that violates the latter expectation, with a light orange tone turning into a light gray. That is jarring, especially in context of other colors that are not mapped to gray.

Hence, I developed a more robust algorithm for downsampling to ANSI colors. It leverages not only uses color pragmatics, i.e., the coordinates of theme colors, but also color semantics, i.e., their intended appearance. In other words, the algorithm leverages the very fact that ANSI colors are abstract colors to improve the quality of matches. As implemented by Translator::to_ansi_hue_lightness, the algorithm first uses hue in Oklrch to find a pair of regular and bright colors and second uses lightness to pick the closer one. In my evaluation so far, it is indeed more robust than brute force search. But it also won’t work if the theme colors themselves are inconsistent with theme semantics. Since that can be automatically checked, Translator::to_ansi transparently picks the best possible method.

Translator Methods

Now that we understand the challenges and the algorithms for overcoming them, we turn to Translator’s interface. We group its method by task:

  1. Translator::resolve and Translator::resolve_all translate any color to a high-resolution color. Thanks to the Into<Colorant> trait and a custom PyO3 conversion function, both Rust and Python can invoke either method with an instance of u8/int, AnsiColor, Color, Colorant, EmbeddedRgb, GrayGradient, or Rgb. The difference between the two methods is that resolve panics when invoked on a Colorant::Default, whereas resolve_all does not but also requires a second Layer argument.

  2. Translator::to_closest_8bit and Translator::to_ansi translate high-resolution colors to low-resolution terminal colors. Prettypretty does not support conversion to the default colors and high-resolution colors can be directly converted to true colors, without requiring mediation through Translator.

    The Translator::supports_hue_lightness, Translator::to_ansi_hue_lightness, Translator::to_closest_ansi, and Translator::to_ansi_rgb methods provide direct access to individual algorithms for converting to ANSI colors. For instance, I use these methods for comparing the effectiveness of different approaches. But your code is probably better off using Translator::to_ansi, which automatically picks to_ansi_hue_lightness or to_closest_ansi. In any case, I strongly recommend avoiding to_ansi_rgb. It only exists to evaluate the approach taken by the popular JavaScript library Chalk and reliably produces subpar results. Ironically, Chalk’s tagline is “Terminal string styling done right.”

  3. Translator::cap tanslates reduces the resolution of colors. Like resolve and resolve_all, this method can be invoked on arbitrary colors. Under the hood, it may very well translate terminal colors to high-resolution colors only to translate them to terminal colors again. Use this method to adjust terminal colors to the runtime environment and user preferences, which can be concisely expressed by a Fidelity level.

  4. Translator::is_dark_theme determines whether the color theme used by this translator instance is a dark theme.

Translator eagerly creates the necessary tables with colors for brute force and hue-lightness search in the constructor. Altogether, an instance of this struct owns 306 colors, which take up 7,160 bytes on macOS. As long as the terminal color theme doesn’t change, a translator need not be regenerated. That also means that it can be used concurrently without locking—as long as threads have their own references.


The example code below illustrates the use of each major entry point besides to_closest_8bit, which isn’t that different from to_ansi:

fn main() {
extern crate prettypretty;
use prettypretty::{Color, OkVersion, Translator};
use prettypretty::style::Fidelity;
use prettypretty::termco::{AnsiColor, EmbeddedRgb, Rgb};
use prettypretty::theme::VGA_COLORS;
use prettypretty::error::ColorFormatError;
use std::str::FromStr;
let red = &VGA_COLORS[AnsiColor::BrightRed];
assert_eq!(red, &Color::srgb(1.0, 0.333333333333333, 0.333333333333333));

let translator = Translator::new(OkVersion::Revised, VGA_COLORS.clone());
let also_red = &translator.resolve(AnsiColor::BrightRed);
assert_eq!(red, also_red);

let black = translator.to_ansi(&Color::srgb(0.15, 0.15, 0.15));
assert_eq!(black, AnsiColor::Black);

let maroon = translator.cap(Rgb::new(148, 23, 81), Fidelity::EightBit);
assert_eq!(maroon, Some(EmbeddedRgb::new(2,0,1).unwrap().into()));
Ok::<(), ColorFormatError>(())

The Python version is a close match:

from prettypretty.color import Color, OkVersion, Translator
from import Fidelity
from prettypretty.color.termco import AnsiColor, Colorant, EmbeddedRgb, Rgb
from prettypretty.color.theme import ThemeEntry, VGA_COLORS
red = VGA_COLORS[ThemeEntry.Ansi(AnsiColor.BrightRed)]
assert red == Color.srgb(1.0, 0.333333333333333, 0.333333333333333)

translator = Translator(OkVersion.Revised, VGA_COLORS)
also_red = translator.resolve(AnsiColor.BrightRed)
assert red == also_red

black = translator.to_ansi(Color.srgb(0.15, 0.15, 0.15))
assert black == AnsiColor.Black

maroon = translator.cap(Rgb(148, 23, 81), Fidelity.EightBit)
assert maroon == Colorant.Embedded(EmbeddedRgb(2, 0, 1))