Installing Prettypretty

One of the challenges of bilingual software is the barrier to entry posed by tooling. Projects such as prettypretty typically require working toolchains for both programming languages and for bridging the foreign-function interface on top.

Ideally: Just Use Packages

Having said that, there is one convenient option that usually works for both Rust and Python projects: Just install the prettypretty package.

You install the Rust package thusly:

$ cargo install prettypretty

If you are running Linux, macOS, or Windows, you install the binary wheel for Python thusly:

$ pip install prettypretty

Either way, prettypretty leverages both programming languages to their fullest and hence requires relatively recent versions:

  • According to cargo-msrv, the minimum supported Rust version is 1.77.2.
  • According to vermin, the minimum supported Python version is 3.11.0.

Fallback: Compile the Extension Module

If installing a binary wheel for Python doesn’t work for you, building the extension module from source requires:

  • Rust: Use rustup. It is robust and makes staying up-to-date easy. By comparison, when I tried using APT on Linux, the most recent Rust version was 6 months behind the most recent release and couldn’t compile prettypretty.
  • Python: Use CPython. offers binary installers for macOS and Windows. On Linux, beware of package manager shenanigans. For example, APT’s python3 package is missing Python’s venv standard library package and you need to install python3-venv, too.

If no binary wheel is available and your system has both Rust and Python installed, then pip should transparently fall back onto building from source. In other words,

$ pip install prettypretty

should still work.

If it doesn’t, building prettypretty’s extension module requires a third tool:

  • Build tool for extension module: Use Maturin. Options for installing maturin include pip, brew, and cargo. The corresponding incantation starts with the tool name followed by install followed by maturin.

For example,

$ cargo install maturin

downloads the source code for maturin and builds the tool. If you still cannot run maturin, check the PATH environment variable. $HOME/.cargo/bin must be included.

Once maturin is installed, build the extension module thusly:

$ maturin dev --all-features

Compile-Time Feature Configuration

That last command enabled all of prettypretty’s compile-time features. There are three:

  • f64 selects the eponymous type as floating point type Float and u64 as Bits instead of f32 as Float and u32 as Bits. This feature is enabled by default.
  • gamut controls prettypretty’s support for tracing the boundaries of color spaces (mod gamut, ColorSpace::gamut) and the human visual gamut (mod spectrum). This feature is disabled by default.
  • pyffi controls prettypretty’s Python integration through PyO3. Enabling the feature activates handwritten code in prettypretty as well as new types and trait implementations generated by PyO3’s macros. This feature is disabled by default.

As a matter of policy, prettypretty’s Rust builds default to being minimalist. Hence, the gamut feature is disabled by default. However, its Python builds default to being maximalist. Hence, prettypretty’s Python packages includes the gamut feature.

Stretch Goal: Install the Works

Whether you want to type-check the Python sources, build the documentation, run the code blocks embedded in the user guide, or generate visualizations, you’ll need additional libraries and tools:

  • Pyright and Node.js: Prettypretty uses Pyright for type-checking Python code, largely because mypy is just too buggy. Alas, Pyright is written in JavaScript and requires Node.js to run.
  • mdBook: Building the user guide and running embedded code blocks requires mdBook. Your best best for installing it is cargo install mdbook.
  • Sphinx: Building the Python API documentation requires this Python tool and several extensions. Prettypretty’s pyproject.toml lists all of them under the key.
  • matplotlib and vedo: Running prettypretty.plot requires the matplotlib package and running prettypretty.viz3d with the --render option requires the vedo package. Prettypretty’s pyproject.toml lists them under the project.optional-dependencies.viz key.

Yikes! That’s getting a bit much. Thankfully, there is another option.

Salvation: Automating Everythin With r²

If you want the works, pulling everything together is a bit involved. That’s why I wrote r², prettypretty’s runner script. It installs all dependencies, builds the extension module, performs extensive checks, and generates the documentation. To get started, try:

$ ./ help